How Seven Wellness Experts Stay Centered
7 avril 2020

Now, more than ever, our LIVunLtd Fitness and Wellness experts have been busier than ever helping our clients stay focused, fit and feeling a sense of balance as our city and the entire world grapples with the new normal of now. Here are a few words of advice from our team.

“Staying active is key and even though it’s easy to be tempted to procrastinate, we need to do something every day to keep our body engaged. In addition to LIVunLtd’s daily virtual fitness on our Instagram feed at 10 am and 1 pm, I have also enjoyed participating in other free Zoom and Instagram Live classes offered by other fitness brands such as Equinox. I also make a point to set aside time every day to meditate and to get as much fresh air as possible. Journaling has also been a great outlet, and every morning I’ve been waking up and writing down my goals for the day. Before bed, I write down how I felt that day and always end the entry with a statement of gratitude. Also, remember to hydrate! Water is vital!”
– Ashley Balfour, Fitness Administrative Assistant + Yoga Instructor
“I implemented an eating schedule where I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time, so my body knows when to expect nutrients. I listen to soothing sounds like waves to fall asleep, instead of using my phone or watching videos on my laptop.”
– Marissa Mayfield, Personal Trainer

“Keep breathing! If you are dealing with excess stress, panic attacks, a racing mind at night, lack of focus, low energy, can’t get out of bed in the morning or want to increase your athletic ability, there is a breath for that! Check out BREATHWRK, a free app with guided breathing exercises backed by science and research.”
– Wendy Bosalavage, CRO + President
“I am staying healthy and maintaining a positive attitude by having FUN with it. I just remember these 3 letters:
F – Find what works for you. Find ways to stay active that you enjoy. If you like to dance, turn on your favorite playlist and let loose in your living room. Or maybe you prefer staying on the floor with a great pilates or yoga workout. There are so many great ways to stay active!
U – Use what you already have. If you don’t have fitness equipment, try using things you already have in your home. You can get a great workout using bottles of water, laundry detergent, chairs, buckets, pillows, a broom, or even kids – or pets – as extra resistance!
N – Never give up. You’re the BOSS of your body and you have the ability to keep it healthy and fit. You got this!”
– Ebonny Fowler, Personal Trainer

“Things I do every day that contributes to my overall well-being:
- Meditate (I am currently using the Ten Percent Happier app).
- Take a fitness class online (I love working out with my fitness friends and taking their classes).
- Give myself a quick workout (it could be teaching a class, doing some additional cardio or stretching – whatever I feel my body needs that day).
- Spend time outside!
- Listen to music that I love!
- Dance (these 2 usually happen simultaneously).
- Prepare and enjoy a healthy meal.
- Connect with a friend on the phone or via video chat.
- Take a few minutes each day for gratitude and happiness reflection.”
– Todd Allen, Fitness + Wellness Director
“I aim to shower and getting ready every day so that I’m ready to workout + teach, and move, even though I’m not leaving my home. This helps me feel stable in a simple daily routine. I also stick to my evening wellness routine, which includes time on my pranamat with my legs up the wall and my yogi toes on. This helps me sleep and keep the tension in my body down.”
-Autumn Oftedal, Group Fitness Instructor
“I have two daughters (Erin 8, Ella 6) and am now full-time homeschooling them while my husband also works from home. My tips are: Have a schedule + structure for EVERY day. Plan time for movement/fitness/wellbeing, and stop whatever you are doing to prioritize that time. If possible plan some movement-time right at the start of the day to get you in an upbeat mood for the perhaps not so fun day ahead. Involve the whole family, if possible, to make it fun! Smiling and laughing combined with movement + fitness is so important to keep our spirits up! My husband and I have been using the kids as weights to squat, bench press and anything else we can think of. “
-Hana Laws, Personal Trainer
Join LIVunLtd for daily live fitness + meditation classes on the @LIVunLtd Instagram Story. Need some one-on-one attention? Email to book a one-on-one personal training, pilates, yoga, meditation coaching, or holistic health coaching session.