Our Team’s Take on Global Wellness Day
May 22, 2024

On June 8th, millions of people around the planet will come together, as they have since 2012, to actively engage in a wellness practice that inspires the belief that one day can change your whole life. This year’s theme is Magenta Nature, and we hope to help inspire ideas for you to participate by sharing some of the ways members of our team are engaging in Global Wellness Day 2024.

Justin Orders
Fitness Instructor + Trainer, Huntersville, NC
What is your favorite activity in nature/outdoors and why?
Beekeeping! I’m a full-time beekeeper as well as a yoga instructor. I’ve always been fascinated with insects and through beekeeping I’m able to take a look into the workings of one of nature’s most fascinating subjects, the honeybee!
How does being in nature affect your overall sense of wellness?
The bees are constantly inspiring the way I show up in the world and treat others. I could go on for days about the things they teach me about myself and all life on earth.
One example is how they teach me to relax and slow my breath when I’m stressed out, just like in meditation or yoga. A few weeks ago I was trying to catch a swarm while holding a hive box for them to essentially swarm into rather than going up into a tree where I can’t catch them. I was initially stressed out about this, breathing fast with my mind listing off all sorts of possibilities. I did not want to lose these bees!
Instead of going on in this way, I did what yoga teaches me to do and start to slow my breath and bring my attention to the moment through mindful breathing. Almost the second I began this the bees quit flying in seemingly every direction and made their way towards me as I was holding their new home!! Eventually all the bees made their way to this box and I was able to keep them in my bee yard.
This reminds me of how the results I may desire in a given situation are not willed into existence and that my worrying usually doesn’t do me much good. Instead I should try to be present with whatever I’m dealing with in each given moment! The experience of being in the middle of a swarm was well worth my attention over my thoughts of what could happen.
What importance does being in nature have in your life?
Whenever I’m in nature, whether that be working in my hives or on a hike, I feel this sense of ease that I don’t feel elsewhere. I think it stems from the fact that we’re all connected and through seeing nature in its purest form I grow in my appreciation for it.
When viewing the bees specifically I see that they’re all working together towards a common goal to help one another and strengthen their chances for survival. The bees don’t see themselves as individuals but rather a super organism where they all work in unison towards the greater goal! This too reminds me that we all need to see how we can connect with others rather than remain isolated, especially in this day and age.

Justin Ross
Experience Manager, Brooklyn, NY
What is your favorite activity in nature/outdoors and why?
My absolute favorite activity in nature/outdoors is rock climbing. It combines both my love for fitness and staring at beautiful landscapes high above the ground. I think it is unbelievably fascinating that you can quite literally scale rocks, sometimes with only a pair of climbing shoes.
How does being in nature affect your overall sense of wellness?
I am originally from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, so being in nature is second nature to me. I grew up outside and find myself needing to “nature bathe” if I am away from the great outdoors for too long. Being in the city can feel like living in a concrete jungle, but there are plenty of gorgeous spaces that allow for some much needed time with Mother Nature. When I don’t allow myself ample time in nature, I get wound up and tend to just go-go-go rather than taking time to slow down. Nature naturally helps me relax and refocus on what is actually important.
What importance does being in nature have in your life?
I find being in nature is the only way for me to fully unplug and slow down. Being able to disconnect from the hustle of life and take in the beauty of nature is extremely important to me.

Dan Huebner
Amenity Fitness Sales Manager, Rockville, MD
What is your favorite activity in nature/outdoors and why?
My favorite outdoor activity is canoeing. What makes canoeing special is that it always feels like taking a step back in time when nature thrived and was in near perfect balance. Any given evening on my local river, the Monocacy, I can see eagles, herons, osprey, wild turkeys, kingfishers, beavers, muskrats, weasels, foxes, deer and more. Giant sycamore trees line the banks. Huge logjams appear overnight after floods, showing the immense power of this normally gentle river.
How does being in nature affect your overall sense of wellness?
Getting out in nature on the canoe, on a mountain bike, or hiking restores my mind and spirit. Plus, it’s pretty good exercise.
What importance does being in nature have in your life?
I chose where I live based on access to rivers and mountains.

Shanna Huston
Lifestyle Manager, New York, NY
What is your favorite activity in nature/outdoors and why?
Going for a run and taking the dog for a walk daily is like therapy for me. It relieves any stress I may be feeling and it’s just very calming.
How does being in nature affect your overall sense of wellness?
I just feel more centered and calm. I will run with friends and we work through any issues one of us might be having while we run and sweat. My heart is strong, my mind is sharp and I attribute that to being in nature.
What importance does being in nature have in your life?
I can’t NOT have nature in my life. I would be miserable. It’s everything.

Lisa Keefauver
Sales Enablement Specialist, Rockville, MD
What is your favorite activity in nature/outdoors and why?
A quiet beach is my sanctuary. There’s no place better for me personally to feel completely grounded with the earth and at peace, while also feeling a complete sense of freedom when jumping into the waves and having the cares of the day taken away.
How does being in nature affect your overall sense of wellness?
Waves are a constant source of energy and positivity that return to me over and over again with the tides. I like to think of the waves taking stress out to sea and returning all that is good back to me.
What importance does being in nature have in your life?
I love being in nature, and honestly it is completely essential for my well being! I’ll take any nature, whether that means hiking through a forest, meditating on the beach, paddle boarding, or just jumping into the ocean.

Danielle Martinez
Yoga Instructor + Trainer, Miami, FL
What is your favorite activity in nature/outdoors and why?
My favorite activity outside is yoga and handstands. Being able to move and flow with the sun and connect my heart and body with nature is the dream.
How does being in nature affect your overall sense of wellness?
I feel peace, happiness, and inspiration every time I am in nature.
What importance does being in nature have in your life?
It is honestly one of the most important parts of my life. Watching the sun rise and set every single day has transformed my life and given me a happiness I did not know could exist.